We raise our children, we keep our homes clean, we become pseudo sous chefs, and we maintain jobs.
We memorize developmental milestone charts, vaccination schedules, allergy triggers, play dates and culinary dislikes.
In case you didn't get the memo, we do all of these things wearing a catsuit and stilettos, with flowing curls in our hair, with a smile on our face and a pep in our step...at least that's what we thought we would do before we became mothers.
The truth that we all know, but rarely say, is that being a mother is a wonderfully difficult, heart overflowing and headache inducing, gift from God.
Milk in a Martini Glass was born out of the idea that every mother needs three things to survive: Good friends, good drinks, and an outlet to express the myriad of emotions that come as we embark on this journey of motherhood. It is a virtual "sister circle" where you will find stories from real mothers that will make you laugh or cry, and sometimes both. You will also finds ideas for things that every woman needs to keep her family and sanity in tact, including recommendations for date nights, girls' nights, play dates, recipe ideas and more.
So come on in and let your hair down. Consider yourself amongst girlfriends.
So come on in and let your hair down. Consider yourself amongst girlfriends.
With Love and Having Fun,
Kirstin (aka 2 Karats and a Kid)
Kim (aka MommyJD)
Kim (aka MommyJD)
P.S. We are always looking for moms who want to share their stories, experiences, and recommendations on where to have fun in the city! If you are interested in contributing content to our blog, please shoot us an email at milkandmartinis@gmail.com