Wednesday, April 4, 2012

(MommyJD) Hump Day Happiness

There are so many random things going on in the world that I could comment on- tragic teen deaths, racist tweets about Hunger Games, and the Obama-care hearings, just to name a few. Instead I'd rather focus on how I am trying to wake up happy every day, rejoice in the day that the Lord has made, and be a better wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, niece, and friend. These are my daily goals.

Have you heard of The Happiness Project? It's a blog I follow (but don't read often enough) based off the book of the same name by an attorney turned writer who one day decided that she wanted to be happy. As simple as that sounds, we all know that it is not easy to just "be happy." It takes work, meditation, patience, and most importantly, it takes decisiveness. Decide to be happy then take the steps to be happy.

One of my favorite posts is when author Gretchen Rubin interviewed author of Motherless Daughters, Hope Edelmen. Here is my favorite part of the Q&A:

Is there anything that you see people around you doing or saying that adds a lot to their happiness, or detracts a lot from their happiness?
If I could remove one phrase from the English language, it would be “It is what it is.” What’s that supposed to mean? Too often, it seems like a fast and easy way to label a complicated situation “a thing I cannot change," thereby giving the speaker permission to abandon efforts to improve it. No.
Now that's what I needed to hear.

~Be Happy.

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