Wednesday, April 27, 2011

(Mommy JD) The Bump's Hump Day Randomisms

Happy Hump Day! Here are some randomisms from my bump and I:
  • Beyonce's new single has solidified my disinterest in her.
  • I thought this weather was depressing the hell out of me and making me so tired. Now I know it's my low iron. Doh!
  • I love my baby ladybug so much and she is already the bomb dot com, but her kicks can be so brutal! She is doing the holy dance all up and down my uterus like she's praising Jesus in church. Note to ladybug: we do not attend that type of church.
  • I cannot seem to find a bra that fits comfortably. I find myself unhooking my bra mid-day and then seeing people staring at my chest because my bra is all out of whack. Pardon my appearance- I chose comfort over style every time.
  • My two year old is crazy. But I blame myself. I've been so tired (lazy? iron deficient?) lately- I think he needs more structure at home. I let him run loose so much it's a shame. When I check on him in the basement I just close my eyes so I don't have to look at the mess he made. (No more glitter or oatmeal).
  • Speaking of my two year old- he can definitely outrun me. And we are having serious issues with him running away and not listening. When he runs out in the parking lot after preschool, I just keep my eyes on him and pray for the best.
  • We survived a plane ride to ATL, now it's time to take a drive down there. Lord please give me the strength, ipad apps, crayons, dvds, and snacks to survive being in the car with my crazy two year old for 12 hours. Amen.

(Mommy JD) I'll take my salad dressing with a side of lettuce...

I've previously admitted that I have the palette of a 10 year old. Which is absolutely horrible since I'm almost 30. My husband is my own personal vegetable police and the nagging increases when I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I eat some vegetables, some of the time. I just don't eat the "recommended" half a plate of vegetables at every meal. And since I do most (all) of the cooking, my son doesn't get many veggies either. And the po-pos never let me hear the end of it.

Anyway, two weeks ago I took my glucose screening test and I was so worried- I just knew I had gestational diabetes because of my poor diet. Well I apparently dodged that bullet, but I wasn't expecting the news about my low iron that I received today. I also have an elevated white blood cell count. This was all too much information and big time fuel for the vegetable police (whom I share not only a home with, but also an office). So now I have a script for iron pills and a new goal to eat better iron-fortified foods.

I am responsible for the life two children now. Time for mommy to grow up.
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