Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(MommyJD) Hump Day Randomisms

So what can we say? These weeks have flown by busy as ever. But you can always count on me to give you some random thoughts from my mommy-brain:
  • I was at the dentist this morning and I remembered that the last time I was at the dentist I was 5 months pregnant and complaining about my discomfort. But today I realized that going to the dentist can be one of the most awful experiences, pregnant or not. A necessary evil indeed.
  • This past Sunday was my birthday and I turned 31. I am officially deep into my 30's! Lol. And to commemorate this special year, I plan to run two 3.1 mile (5k) races this summer. The first will be the Warrior Dash in June, and then a regular 5k on the 4th of July. Yes the Warrior Dash looks insane but my husband asked me to do it with him and my New Year's Resolution was to not say "no" to much. Fun times ahead! 
  • We're getting ready for summer over here and what's first on my to-do list? Black out shades for my kids' rooms! I cannot have my son waking up at 6am everyday this summer (like he has been all week). I love sunny days but I love to sleep in more :)
Happy Hump Day! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

(MommyJD) My New Favorite Wine

Lately I've been doing a lot of shopping at Trader Joe's. I have a mommy pusha who tells me all the good stuff to buy. In addition to their awesome fish nuggets, cookie butter, pizza crust, and blueberry juice, I picked up this sweet red wine during my last shopping trip. Normally I'm not a fan of red wine at all. It's usually too dry for me. But the Carl Reh Dornfelder Sweet Red Wine is absolutely delicious. This is my new nightly drink of choice and it helps that my husband doesn't care for it (not enough tannin in it for him)- so more for me!

Next time you're out looking for a new wine to try, pick up some of this sweet red.

(This post was not endorsed by Trader Joe's or Carl Reh- just me thinking about getting my drink on in the middle of the day on this humid Hump Day).
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